Gain the Upper Hand with a Sound Prevention Plan
Gain the Upper Hand with a Sound Prevention Plan

Gain the Upper Hand with a Sound Prevention Plan

BVDV Prevention: A Three-Pronged Approach

Your veterinarian can help design a BVDV prevention program that’s tailored to the risks of your operation. Most programs will include three prevention strategies:


Identify and Eliminate PI Calves

First step to preventing BVDV in cattle
  • PI testing can include ear notch or blood sample
  • Calves should be tested before 60 days of age
  • Bulls and open cows should also be tested
  • Positive calves should be culled or isolated from the herd
  • Dams of positive calves should be tested as well

Prevent Exposure with Good Biosecurity

Two cows separated by a fence representing prevention of BVDV Step 2
  • Test all new additions to your herd including calves born after arrival
  • Maintain a closed herd
  • Buy only from certified BVDV-free herds
  • Quarantine newly purchased cattle from the rest of the herd for several weeks

Enhance Immunity

Image of the united states and a shot representing step 3 of BVDV prevention
  • The Pyramid® and Express® FP vaccine portfolio includes the first vaccines labeled to protect against BVDV Type 1b
    • Look to PYRAMID as your premier calf vaccine
    • To prevent PI calves, use EXPRESS FP prior to breeding
  • Naïve heifers, cows and bulls should be vaccinated pre-breeding according to label
  • After initial calf vaccinations, cattle should receive annual booster vaccinations
  • Work with your local veterinarian to set up a BVDV prevention program specific for your operation


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